Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Blog Introduction for Fruit Trees in Your Backyard

Blog Introduction

    Hello, my Name is Stacia. My new husband  I are newish home owners (close on our house on holloween 2014)  and one of the reasons we wanted to own a house was so we could grow some of our own food. we are still learning lots about this, but we jumped in with our first step in making this a reality. Geting trees in the ground as we knew they would take a few years to start producing. This is our 3rd spring in our home and hopefully last year planting new trees for a long while. As we have learned so much I wanted to share this with you all in a short and sweet recap of our adventure.

In this blog I want to:
-          - Share what I am learning about my hobby/interest in fruit trees.
-         -  Reach out to Landowners with an interest in growing their own fruit/food.
-         -  Teach others about Fruit Trees  so they are set up for success
-         -  Make a post daily for the rest of the week.
-         -  Chose a blog that is convenient for me and my readers. I will use Blogspot because it is free and I like that it requires a sign in through google so we don’t need multiple log-in information and yet still more secure than a random open location.

   If you made it past the title you must know that this blog will be focused on fruit trees. So let’s jump in and figure out what tree you want, and also learn how to know what trees will work for you.

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